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TV is stealing your life. Read that again. TV is stealing your life. I thought I’d reiterate that for maximum effect. 

In the US (the world’s official worst offender on the television consumption front) the average time spent per day watching TV is three hours and fifty-eight minutes. This mind-blowing statistic from Nielson Holdings PLC is in fact, brought down by younger viewers who average less than 20 hours a week. On the other end of the scale, older people watch less than 50 hours a week, while adults consume 35.5 hours a week or five hours and four minutes per day (77 days each year). 

It’s a trend that the rest of the world is hot on the heels of Poland, Japan, and Brazil filling the next worst offender lists respectively. 

And the numbers seem to be exacerbating by the day with streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime making viewing your favourite show convenient, advert-free, and usually available in binge-worthy whole series drop formats. 

This harmful habit is positively linked to contributing to obesity (a cause that I have recently become inadvertently synonymous with). Studies consistently evidence a link between screen time and excess weight, a theory first concluded some 25 years ago by Harvard University. In the Nurses’ Health Study, it was concluded after looking at over 50,000 middle-aged women for six years that for every two hours spent watching television, they developed a 23 percent higher risk of becoming obese and 14 percent of developing diabetes. In another more recent study conducted by Grontved A, Hu FB, it was found that every two hours in front of the box the risk of developing diabetes increased by 20 percent, heart disease: 15 percent, and early death: 13 percent. 

These harrowing statistics are enough to make anyone think twice about that extra episode of GOT. Reduce your intake by switching off the screen and heading outside for some fresh air; take a stroll, experience some greenery, and recruit a loved one. Guaranteed to uplift your mood, invigorate your senses, and provide a whole host of health benefits.

TV is designed to suck you in and cause addiction. The news is a perfect example of what to avoid. An endless stream of repeating narratives designed to frighten you, so you feel inclined to keep tuning in. Most of the stories are just downright depressing and bear very little repercussions on your own life. Who cares about not looking cultured when you can’t join in on the latest political scandal snooze fest at the water fountain? 

Try an electricity timer, move the TV to a less prominent position or get rid of it altogether. Extra shame for TVs in the bedroom too; use that room for sleeping and sex, prioritise both and see stark improvements in those areas also. 

Break free of the media spiral and start experiencing your life! Move your body, cultivate meaningful relationships, learn a hobby, invest in yourself. You’ll soon wonder how on earth you wasted so much of your most precious commodity… time. 

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