You are currently viewing THIS MORNING MEDIA FRENZY


Have an opinion. It’s OK. In fact it’s a beautiful thing! 🌈
That’s what makes the world an interesting place 🌍

Don’t be censored into silence, if you believe something have the courage to stand up. Those that matter will stand by you and you’ll love them all the more for it 🥰

Censorship is so prevalent in today’s society and I’m proud to voice my opinion in the hopes that it will provide a catalyst for positive change.

Here’s a compilation of the media frenzy that followed my controversial appearance on ITV’s This Morning:



This Post Has One Comment

  1. suzanne jeffs

    Hi Sam

    I am going to put this to you. I am actually overweight what a fucking shock huh, anyway I digress I walk I watch what I eat and yet you called us all lazy? My dear, I am aware I am rocking a BMI of 40 which for my height is really bad. Yes, I have binge eating disorder which I and my partner are working through together.

    I respect your view but please hear me out on mine. I am a lady who has always been a big lady ever since my teens and no I am not using that as an excuse. I am going through a dietitian to help, I am walking at least 12miles a week. I also have bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder wherein I take food for comfort yes that’s my problem, not yours. How about you use your platform to encourage those people you deem unstable and not a size 6 to lose the weight and still enjoy life. How about you hire someone who is obese get them to log their journey and upload it and then you can take credit while helping other people? it would be more personal and less generic advice the GP and the Dietian’s offer out.

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